Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bragging or Sharing?

One of my favorite Biblical versus is Hebrews 10:24 - "Let us consider how to spur one another to love and good deeds." In fact, it was the basis of my third book.

One of the best ways to motivate others is to set an example. I think back to the time I heard of a woman who buys umbrellas at the dollar store and keeps them in her car to give out to those who are caught in a sudden downpour. Immediately, I followed suit because it was such a great and simple thing to do.

Now here is the dilemma - We aren't supposed to boast about our good deeds, but if no one hears about them, how do they follow our example? Jesus motivated people with the use of parables, and personal example. We are creatures who need ideas, and something to follow.

So, is there a difference between sharing and boasting? Absolutely! Boasting is self-gratification. Sharing is something we are supposed to do, and what better example than to share what we have been blessed to receive!

When I was writing Simple Things to Make This World a Better Place, it was difficult for many people to tell me about their good deeds. They didn't want to seem boastful, and many thought that you aren't supposed to tell others what you do - period! But, if you share your good deeds with others and make it clear why you are doing so, no one can think that you are doing it to receive praise. Of course, giving in anonymity is often the most rewarding personally, but it doesn't exactly provoke others to do likewise if they never know about it. You can't follow a lead if it isn't there.

The bottom line is to not be afraid to share good ideas for ways to care for your fellowman. Just remember and make it clear why you do it. It's already helped me to add additional content to my book.

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