Sunday, September 27, 2015

Are You Googleable?

That sounds like a funny question - Are you Googleable? That may not be an actual word, but I like it, and it might surprise many people that they, in fact, are. You don't have to be famous; it seems the Internet just has a wealth of information on everyone, including your name, address, and even age range.

As a writer, I periodically Google myself just to see if any of my new publications are posted. It's amazing what you can find.

I know I'm not the only Vicki Julian. I also know I'm not the only Vicki L. Julian. But recently, I discovered that among the links attributed to me, was a Vicki Julian talking about her addiction! That was not exactly in line with my reputation, and I could only hope that no one who Googles me thinks I am the person who wrote that blog. It's not that I'm passing judgement, it's just that I wish to be known for my own accomplishments as well as my own foibles.

I've discovered you can't trust the pictures that pop up either. They indicate "Vicki Julian's photos," but I don't know half of the people in those designated pictures. And some photos I'd prefer not to be attributed to me.

Even though I don't want strangers to mistake me for others, I can be comforted by one thing. God sees my strengths as well as every weakness, and I'm sure there may be other Vicki Julians who are more than happy not to be me. So it really comes down to what really matters.

1 John 3:20 says: ",,,For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything." And if he even knows the number of hairs on our heads (or lack thereof), I'm pretty sure he knows us individually. In any case, at the appointed time of my judgement, I know God can identify which Vicki L. Julian I am.

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