My last (and probably final) article for The Humanitarian
Examiner was to suggest a journal of at least one daily activity to make this
world a better place. That’s the best New Year’s resolution I can think of! Although I already really try my best to live
that way, it proved more difficult than I thought when it had to be recorded on
I believe that even simple acts such as talking to a
stranger who is waiting behind you in the grocery line, smiling at everyone you
encounter, giving simple courtesies as holding the door or offering help are
ways to easily do that. But, it’s apparent to me that you also have to make
some opportunities.
I especially found myself scurrying for some ideas on days
when I didn’t leave the house. Then I realized that writing a check to charity,
and making extra stew for dinner and offering to save some for my sons and daughter-in-law
also could be entries. Calling to check on a friend who is home bound was another
way to make this world a better place.
The other thing I’ve learned from this experience is,
on some days, there may actually be many opportunities to make a difference.
That’s terrific and I tried to take advantage of as many possibilities as I
could, but my goal was to do something every day and make just one entry.
That’s more difficult.
Because I try to live by Hebrews 10:24: “Let us consider how
to provoke one another to love and good deeds,” I’m sharing this suggestion
with you. Make it a point to do something every day to make this world a better
place. If everyone did that, what a difference we could make! Not only would
individuals take note, but the entire world would reap the benefit.
If you do decide to try this little experiment, which could also
be great for a Lenten activity, please let me know how it goes for you. I’d love to share it on my blog (using first
names only, of course), and then you would gain an entry in your journal just
in abiding by Hebrews 10:24, too!