Wednesday, December 21, 2016

What's Your Christmas Wish?

I've been giving some thought to: If I could give a gift to the world or any one person, what would that be? That is a pretty big order, and one which took some soul searching. (But before I reveal my final answer, I'd like anyone reading this blog to add a comment and tell what you would wish or give).

Of course, there is always the generic answer of world peace. That's nice, but it doesn't address the total human condition. We could have world peace and there would still be want, poverty, injustice, etc. Mankind (in general, but not everyone) would still be greedy, untruthful, envious, self-centered, etc. So you get the drift.

Next, I thought of compassion. That's nice too, but compassion without action is pointless. We shake our heads at the homeless in the street and maybe even say a prayer on their behalf. We have compassion and feel very sorry for them, but then sometimes simply walk away. We also feel the pain of those dying from hunger or thrown into prison or murdered for political or religious reasons. But what do we do?

I thought about contentment. It didn't take long for me to realize that contentment isn't the answer. Do I really want people to be okay with the wrongs in this world? Do I want those in abject poverty to be contented with their lot? Do I want those who suffer daily injustices to be okay with it? Do I want people to be complacent and not try to make this world a better place for their fellowman? No. That's not the right gift either.

Then I thought, maybe I would eliminate suffering. Who could argue with that? But would we know how to behave without suffering? Would others still try to inflict it, but the recipients just wouldn't feel it?

Also, without some adversity, we would never appreciate what we have. Bad days only make us appreciate the ones that aren't. Also, without adversity and suffering, would we care and try to alleviate that for our fellowman? One of the greatest pleasures in life is to do something good for someone else. If there were nothing to do, would I be as grateful for my blessings, and would I have the enjoyment of sharing them?

And then it finally occurred to me. There is only one gift that would encompass all of my singular attempts at happiness and goodness for individuals as well as the world...LOVE. That is the only thing that can change the heart of man to strive for goodness.

Love brings peace, contentment, compassion that leads to action, and while it doesn't eliminate suffering, it makes it easier. Jesus said that the greatest commandment was to "love one another." At Christmas, God truly gave the world the best gift of all. I can't think of a better wish.

So what's your idea of the perfect gift?


  1. I have heard it said that when we are tempted to pray that God would lighten our burdens, we would be better advised to pray for stronger backs. Love, cross-centered love, can give us stronger backs.

  2. The gift I would want to give is more time with loved ones....ones with us and ones that are no longer with us. What a Christmas that would be!
