Friday, March 3, 2017

Unknown Value

At a recent meeting of my district's Kansas Authors Club, we had a writing assignment based upon props brought by attendees. One prop passed around was a piece of cement. It looked like an ordinary block of discarded rubble, and as I held it in my hands, I wondered why anyone would bring this as a prop to inspire creative writing.

Then, after the cement made its way around the table, the owner announced that it was a piece of the Berlin Wall. What a difference that bit of information made! Suddenly, something that seemed so insignificant became a valued piece of history.

Later, I began to wonder how many times I encountered something that was dismissed as insignificant, and missed an opportunity to know its true value. I realized, too, that this occurs with  human beings as well. How often have I missed the opportunity to know my fellowman when the contact could have enriched both of our lives?

The Bible tells us that we are all God's children, from the least to the richest. Looking at poor, uneducated individuals may give us pause and a desire to help, but do we see their value? Thankfully,  God does, I believe.

Someone may look upon any of us as having less value than him/herself. Without question, we are deemed the inferior to somebody, just as we may feel the superior to others. But this is only in circumstance, not what really matters.

I believe God does not value us because of the possessions or talents we have or don't have. After all, He is the one who gave them to us to use for the good of others (Romans 12:6-9). Instead and fortunately, He is able to look at us and not see a piece of rubble to be discarded. He sees our true value and what we can bring to the world.

 From now on, I too hope I can see that a little better myself.

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