Friday, December 21, 2018

What Christmas Means

As Clark Griswold mused in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, "Christmas means different things to different people."  I don't think anyone would argue that.

Some people may say Christmas is family gathering, peace on earth (if only for a brief moment), brotherhood, community, love, joy, magical and abundance. Skeptics may call it over-indulgence, commercialized, mythical, greed-driven....well, you get the idea. But what it is really, is the start.

Like it or not, Christmas has its origins in faith, belief and hope. Even our very calendar is based upon the birth of the child in the manger, and our week begins on Sunday, the day of the week Christians believe Jesus' was resurrected. There is more influence too in our daily lives, but suffice it these two things demonstrate how important this one birth was to the world. Unfortunately, it's sometimes easy to forget just how important.

Many of you may know about my children's book that is in the hands of an agent. It is Christmas-themed and blends a little of the secular with the non-secular. (I hope there is a publisher willing to help make this world a little less confusing for children, and enable them to focus on the truths that encompass our humanity.)

As a parent, it was always a bit of a struggle to differentiate Santa from the real celebration which was Jesus' birth. Tell a child Christmas is Jesus' birthday and, of course, they will be excited − any youngster loves a good birthday! But there's more to it than that.

I wrote the book because we need to go one step further in explaining Christmas − we need to explain the significance of Jesus' birth and what it means for us today. There is so much good surrounding this event that even people without faith embrace the best of what it evokes.

So what does Christmas mean to me? It means the start. It's the beginning of learning how we should treat our fellowman, the first tutorial on the meaning of our existence, the beginning of instruction on how to live a better life, and perhaps most importantly, why we Christians believe we will be with loved ones again. 

Whatever Christmas means to you, may you embrace its goodness and share it with the world, and Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

My Ode to Christmas Shopping

Anyone who knows me well is aware that I am not a poet. But, on occasion, one of the Greek muses selects me to write a poem. (Recently, it was Thalia, muse of comedy and bucolic poetry). With the season upon us, I wrote the following, and just for the record, I am finished shopping!

‘Twas the Day Before Christmas

‘Twas the day before Christmas                                      I searched for some charities
No presents I’ve bought                                                     To give in their honor.
Where did the time go                                                         That’s the best gift of all
That I almost forgot?                                                            I began soon to ponder.

No wrapping or ribbons                                                      Now after the donations
Oh, what should I do?                                                          Were all given as gifts,         
My family expects something                                             I smiled as I realized
And it all must be new!                                                        The meaning of Christmas is 

Away to my computer                                                         My family was thrilled
I flew like a flash                                                                   And the gifts were just right
For last minute gifts                                                             So I went to bed happy.
Please, system, don’t crash.                                             Merry Christmas to all and a
     peaceful good night!
I’ll order my gifts
And send e-cards their way.
I’ll have to pay extra
But that’s still okay.

Then as I sat there                                                   With apologies to Clement C. Moore
Ready to click enter,                                                           
I paused for a moment
As I turned on my printer.

Are e-cards real gifts
To give from the heart,
Or just an obligation
That somehow did start?

So I reflected a minute
And thought what was right.
With so many in need,
I should be easing their plight.

My recipients don’t need gifts,
But there are others who do.
That should be my focus
And I hope my family’s too.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Blessings Can Be Different

Note: If you want to make a smart investment, buy this book! Financial Seasons Devotional by Lisa Y. Jones, 99 cents on Amazon (promotional price for a limited time) is a great resource for everyone, and one of the most thoughtful gifts you can give.

I think we all tend to view blessings in terms of possessions, abilities and relationships, but I recently experienced a different one − God put me on a path to edit a best seller.

More than a year ago, my son and daughter-in-law told me about a woman in their congregation who was writing a book and needed an editor. "You'll really like Lisa and Keith, Mom," my son said. Lisa and Keith were the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University course group leaders/councilors in their church. 

We finally made contact, and I agreed to look at what Lisa had written thus far, and then show her what edits I suggested. It was a time when we both prayed for direction, and we each had a decision to make: Did I want to edit her book, and did she want to work with me?

It was just a short time later that we both felt we needed to work together on bringing this book to fruition. I've always wanted to edit a best seller, and after reading a few chapters, I felt this was probably going to be it. (For several days now, it has been the #1 new release best seller.) It will soon be available in softbound and hardbound versions.

I loved what Lisa wrote, and I loved the potential benefit to readers, hence my note above to buy this book. It can benefit anyone, religious or not, swimming in debt, or even debt-free. 

As blurbs and endorsements (including one from  Dave Ramsey) rolled in, I truly felt blessed to be a part of this venture, and absolutely thrilled for Lisa. I am truly thankful to God for this path of collaboration, and giving me the abilities to assist Lisa in this project. Yes, I am blessed!