Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Different Kind of Spoiler

There are many things that can spoil our innocence, but there's nothing like knowledge to do it. But sometimes, it's good to have the right information.

As I may have mentioned previously, our interim pastor is a Biblical scholar. He has directly read the  gospels from the Greek words written. I've also joined a Bible study class that's called the New Testament challenge, and I make every effort to attend because I don't know what I'll miss.

Most recently, our pastor confided that he watches only about half of the Biblical movies before turning them off because of their inaccuracy. And now I find myself viewing those movies in a different light, too, because of some subtle differences between the gospels and being enlightened to some of the political aspects of Jesus' actions. 

Recently, I viewed the controversial "Noah" starring Russell Crowe. I should have listened to my neighbor who said the movie was awful. From a Biblical perspective, he said it "had a guy named Noah and an ark." That was pretty accurate. Even from a non-Biblical aspect, in my opinion, the movie still deserved his earlier rating.

To add dimension, it included a group of fallen angels whom Noah solicits to help him. The fact that they look like burned Transformer toys is another issue. It was pretty bad all around. I wasn't expecting much after hearing reviews from others, but in this case, they were unfortunately right. But still, just like seeking God, we must discover some things for ourselves.

So, this is what I've learned. Don't expect accuracy in cinema that is directed toward entertainment instead of portraying what the Bible says. But I must admit that "Passion of the Christ" was probably pretty close.

In any case, it is good to know the truth, even if that includes differences in the gospels. And sometimes, I think it's good to have our innocence spoiled if it makes us think and seek God's presence in our lives.

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