Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Doing What is Just and Good

I’m writing this before the results of the elections are known, and I hope everyone reading this blog took advantage of the privilege and responsibility to vote. Being able to do so is standing up for what one believes is right, and not letting 20% or less of eligible voters decide what will be just.

I think praying about and casting our vote is honoring an often mentioned directive in the Bible to do what is right and just.( Check out the following to see what I mean: Right and Just references). 

I also believe voting is just one way we can and should stand up for those who need our support and acceptance. Laws are made by those we place in office and those laws impact the ill, the disabled, and anyone else considered in some way to be a social outcast. I remember that Jesus offered acceptance and love to everyone, including tax collectors, Roman soldiers, gentiles, etc. (If they were hypocrites or rejected him, well that was a different matter).

So regardless of which candidates you or I vote for, we should expect them to be fair and just. But sometimes, it’s hard to believe that they will fulfill that directive given the campaign ads. It seems some are more interested in imparting how bad their competition is rather than taking the opportunity to express what positive things they have done or will do. It makes one think that they are trying to get votes by making us choose the lesser of two evils.And I can think of a lot of Biblical admonishments about false witness and saying negative things to hurt our fellowman.

My church often includes prayers for guidance for those elected to office. I think that’s a good thing to do. We all need prayers to keep us focused on what really matters in life and the one after.

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