Monday, July 8, 2019

Make This World a Better Summer!

There are many opportunities to make this world a better place, especially this summer. Try picking a few of these to do this week, or better yet, pick something to do each day!
  • Buy a summer or day pass to the swimming pool for someone (maybe a child)
  • Greet your mail carrier with a popcicle or cold drink
  • Do the above for a neighbor mowing his/her lawn
  • Mow your neighbor's lawn while doing your own
  • Buy cold treats to share with neighborhood kids (or even adults)
  • Invite someone to your home for a Bar-B-Que
  • Help a neighbor weed his/her garden
  • Share produce from your own garden and maybe give to a food pantry that serves those in need
  • Take an elderly or disabled friend for a car ride to see or attend a nearby attraction 
I'm sure you can think of many more, and by now, I hope you are doing something nearly everyday. If so, you've probably noticed that it isn't difficult to make this world a better place, but it does make a conscious effort. Next week, I'll provide you with ideas to do while on vacation.

A few items from my journal last week: Clipped two coupons for someone I knew used the products; bought pizza for a neighbor and invited relatives to share mine; and bid farewell to our mail carrier with a card, cookies, and a gift certificate.

1 comment:

  1. As one of the relatives who benefited from the coupon and pizza sharing, thank you, Vicki.
