Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ready and Waiting

I'm done! The final shopping trip to the grocery store to pick up items for my annual Christmas Eve Open House occurred earlier this afternoon, and all gifts are wrapped and under the tree.

I'm not quite finished as early as last year, but I still have time to breathe and really enjoy what the season is all about. I'll drop off a few gifts tomorrow and then my errands will be complete, too.

Although I've finished my good deeds for the holiday, I'm sure there will be more opportunities that find me. But the most fun of all is hearing what others are doing, too.

My friend, Beth, called to tell me about her 9 year old granddaughter who decided she wanted to do something special for her great-grandmother (Beth's mother) this year. Claire managed to connect with Hy-Vee's delivery service to send a special surprise. She decided to grocery shop for her grandmother so she wouldn't have to brave the cold and possibly inclement weather. Choosing an assortment of foods, she even included toilet paper!

Children who learn the value and blessings of giving to others are a special joy. They are the ones who will make this world a better place, even as adults. They often learn philanthropy through adults who exemplify the spirit of giving to others. There is a certain wisdom that comes when a child realizes the goodness and benefits of giving and not just receiving.

I recall when my young, great-niece Zoe insisted on spending her own money to buy an angel necklace for me. It was such a touching thing to do, especially because she knew I was grieving the loss of my dear husband. Her sister, Sammi, followed suit the next year by crocheting an angel for me after learning the art.

I also recall when my great-nephew, B.J.. bought a gift for me just because he wanted to. B.J. faces some challenges of his own, so this sweet gesture was twice as meaningful.

We often think we need to care for children, but they are equally great influences in our lives, too. They make us stop to realize what is really important in life - love. That translates to how we care for one another, and focusing on others is how we make this world a better place. Biblically speaking, the New Testament is about love, beginning with God's gift of Christ.

Here's hoping that you, too, will finish early all the preparations for Christmas, and then have time to reflect on what makes our lives worthwhile. It isn't the gift of things; it's the gift of ourselves to others.

Merry Christmas!

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